Hiển thị tất cả 3 kết quả

Cụm Bàn Atlas Office Landscape

Designed by Tim Wallace

A work system which brings together height-adjustability and collaborative working in one elegant solution. With a unique “no beam” structure, it frees the workspace from clutter so people can sit or stand in comfort, adapting postures to their activities. Make the space your own by combining desks, screens, tables and storage elements to create places that invite collaboration, focused activity or impromptu meetings

Cụm Bàn OE1 Micro Packs

Designed by Sam Hecht and Kim Colin

Height-adjustability in a small footprint

OE1 Micro Packs are height-adjustable workstations that add agility to every corner of the office. Part of the OE1 Workspace Collection


Designed by Robert Propst & George Nelson

A system is built to change

This workstation can be customised with new round legs for a lightweight, contemporary look, or with the existing rectangular legs, giving Ratio structured, architectural appeal.